First, let me say that I love my partner. But the time has come to expose him for the bedlinen-thief he is. Every morning when I wake up, the covers are suspiciously missing from my side of the bed (and piled on his). This blog is a catalog of the evidence - and excuses - associated with the crime.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Day 46
Not bad last night! Good thing, too, because it was a frigid one. He stole 2 feet of covers, but with the oversized duvet, it's all good!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Day 45
Well, I'm not doing a very good job of keeping up with these posts. I am taking photos, though - here are two, just as evidence of that. If my partner were to explain my delinquency, he would say I was "conveniently forgetting" to post when the evidence was against me. Alas, it's just me being busy. But just in case you were suspicious of the same things he might imply, here's the proof that nothing - at all - has changed...

Monday, February 21, 2011
Day 42
Friday, February 18, 2011
Day 39
We've known each other for long enough now, Gentle Reader, that I am ready to expose yet another level of our bed drama to you. Quite literally, the level I am talking about is what's going on UNDER the comforter. By now, we've established that the comforter is a problem unto itself, but beneath it is a whole other world of hurt.
Below lurks the Cover Sheet Stratum. You will notice that the cover sheets are bunched up and pulled almost completely to his side of the bed. This is not staged - what you see here is exactly what the sheets looked like when I peeled back the comforter that was on the bed - still warm from sleep. This problem goes deep, people.
When I showed this to my partner, I got the closest thing to a confession that I've heard so far. He said, "I couldn't get comfortable last night, so I was sort of thrashing. So maybe this was me - but only last night." Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I submit this to you as an admission of guilt, and will continue to show that the consistency in the evidence with that shown in this "sole event" proves his consistent guilt.
Thank you.
Below lurks the Cover Sheet Stratum. You will notice that the cover sheets are bunched up and pulled almost completely to his side of the bed. This is not staged - what you see here is exactly what the sheets looked like when I peeled back the comforter that was on the bed - still warm from sleep. This problem goes deep, people.
When I showed this to my partner, I got the closest thing to a confession that I've heard so far. He said, "I couldn't get comfortable last night, so I was sort of thrashing. So maybe this was me - but only last night." Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, I submit this to you as an admission of guilt, and will continue to show that the consistency in the evidence with that shown in this "sole event" proves his consistent guilt.
Thank you.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Day 38
This morning I had to drive my sweetie to work, so we were both rushing around trying to get out the door in time to beat the traffic. When I got back, I noticed that he had made the bed (another first). Is this a new tactic for him to manipulate the crime scene before I can document it? I'm not going to complain about my man making the bed, but I do find it mighty suspicious...
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Day 37
Monday, February 14, 2011
Day 35
Happy Valentine's Day! As a special edition today, I thought I would include a photo documenting the scene of the crime and featuring the culprit red-handed. I know, you can't really tell, but my partner is actually IN the bed in this shot (he pulled the covers over his head to avoid incrimination). You can kind of make out his long, skinny sarcophagus-like shape on the far side (i.e., the side with all the covers) of the bed. Such a perfect picture of the truth about romance, that I just had to share it with you today. May the love in your life always keep you warm!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Day 32
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Day 31
Touche! I count this as a victory in the Cover Wars, though perhaps I did go a bit overboard... My partner woke up this morning and said, "Be sure to get a picture of this!" He's right - I am not one to shirk blame (or credit, in this case?). However, I can't help but note that his statement is tantamount to a confession of his continuing crimes.
In any case, here is the evidence from last night. I am guilty (and so warm!).
In any case, here is the evidence from last night. I am guilty (and so warm!).
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Day 30
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Day 29
Monday, February 7, 2011
Day 28
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Day 24
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Day 23
As Valentine's Day approaches, I find myself searching for more romantic excuses for my partner's thieving behavior. Maybe, just maybe, he pulls the covers over to his side of the bed in hopes of luring me with them? Delusional? Maybe. No matter what the motivation, he's getting better and better in practice. A girl can dream...
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