Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 9

Well, it's been over a week now. We've seen some ups and downs and this morning's results are definitely promising - if you take them at face value.

Observant readers may have noticed a change in the comforter a couple of days ago. Since my partner has moved in, we have slowly been unpacking boxes and recently unearthed his king-sized duvet (the blue one we had before was a queen). The mattress was also swapped out for his when he moved in (we had a full, now it's a queen). So, the king comforter should provide that little extra something hanging over each side of the bed - and it does - when we fall asleep each night. Still somehow, aside from the distinct color change, we end up with photos that make it impossible to discern the transition between the different sized comforters. He says I should be impressed with how seamlessly the effect has been, considering how much harder he now has to work. You have to hand it to him - he's quick.

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